
12c financial calculator
12c financial calculator

12c financial calculator

It not only looks the same, but it actually runs the same code as do the physical calculators. The iPhone version of the HP-12C is a near carbon copy of the actual machine. If you’ve not used this method of data entry before, you’ll have a bit of learning to do.)

12c financial calculator

(Keep in mind, too, that these HP calculators use Reverse Polish Notation, or RPN, for data entry. If you’re looking for a general use calculator, PCalc ( ) is a a much better solution. Note that the HP-12C (and other HP calculators) appeal to a fairly narrow range of users-financial professionals (12C and 12C Platinum) and programmers and scientists (15C). (I still have the original Owner’s Handbook and Problem-Solving Guide, too-all 246 pages of it!) Suffice it to say, I know this calculator inside and out, though it doesn’t get as much use now as it did in my prior life. Though I’ve long since lost the receipt, my HP-12C is approaching its 25th anniversary, and it still runs just as well today as it did when brand new. What’s most amazing about this is that I’m not talking about a progression of different HP-12Cs I’m talking about one HP-12C that is probably older than a fair percentage of the people reading this article. From tests during undergraduate school up through my career change in 2005 to full-time Macworld employee, my HP-12C was with me every step of the way.

12c financial calculator

Through it all, one particular piece of gear was always at my side, ready and willing to help with the trickiest of financial calculations: my Hewlett-Packard HP-12C financial calculator. Back in my previous life, I was a finance guy-that’s what my undergraduate degree is in, and that’s how I made my living for many years.

12c financial calculator